“slmgr /ato” or “cscript.exe c:\windows\system32\slmgr. “slmgr /ckms” or “cscript.exe c:\windows\system32\slmgr.vbs /ckms” To fix this you need to run Clear Stored KMS server application in the CCIT Application Catalog or run the following 2 commands from an administrative command prompt. This could be because the client is set to a specific KMS server which may no longer be available. The Key Management Service (KMS) is unavailable Error: 0xC004F074 The Software Licensing Service reported that the computer could not be activated. 0x80070001įix for Windows Hardware Key this is officially for Office 2010, but should apply to Windows as well if you are receiving error 0x80070001 Complete list of Windows KMS errors Well, now Im using Windows 10 Pro, and shit, my paid key is still unused. I entered the KMS Client Setup Key of Windows 10 Pro Education then switch to Windows 10 Pro (directly from Home to Pro is not possible, dont know why). This tool will force windows to activate and provide a 'kms activation.log' file on the windows desktop of the current logged in user for diagnostic purposes. Now I know that Retail (RTM generic key) cant upgrade GVLK edition.
Follow the key installation instructions in the first paragraph. Sometimes this information gets removed or you may want to convert a MAK activated machine to KMS. For example, you might have purchased 50 licenses of Windows 10 Pro. These are the generic embedded keys for Windows to participate in KMS. The activation-troubleshooting- most common problem is a lack of Internet.