Don’t forget to block! Blocking is crucial to winning in Bleach Vs.Naruto that you should pay attention to: Tips: When you’re familiar with the controls on the training menu, it’s time to play! However, there are some tips for Bleach Vs. The second player would use the directional buttons for movement and Num4, Num5, Num6, Num1, Num2, Num3 for their attacks and abilities. If you’re playing with another human, the first player would use the WASD keys to move with their dodge, attack, and other special abilities set to U I O J K L. You can either play against another human player on the same screen or show off your skills against a computer.
You get to choose from the large cast of characters from each respective show. Fortunately, you’re not only going to play as the sword-wielding Ichigo or the Ninjutsu-powered Naruto. Two of the titans of anime have come together to take each other on in a clash that will finally end the debate on who can win over who.